So, there are many occasions where I hate being a girl. Don't get excited - I am not looking to be a BOY with all their friggidy-diggidyness, but some things aren't at ALL fair to us glorious women creatures. AM I RIGHT, LADIES? The whole carrying-a-baby, pushing-a-watermelon-out-a-hole-the-size-of-a-chapstick-tube, monthly happy hour thing..... not so crazy about.
One of the things on my hate-the-drama-girl list is the problem of hair. If I had it my way, we would all be bald, beautiful, shiny people. Boys can live in that world. They never have to worry about these things, and they just get to play with mud.
I try to be pretty un-dramatic, anti-girl (oh wait....) but HAIR is one thing I will never get a handle on. I have never liked my hair since the day after I got married. Never worried or hardly cared about it too much before that. But then the hair got old the minute I hurtled myself over the altar. I have had many wonderful friends and family, especially Julie and April, who have cut and helped with the hair. I always love the haircut- for like 2 weeks, or right after THEY style it and do it. And then it's back to the same old I-wanna-break-the-mirror-everytime-I-look-in-it crap. What is the deal? Is it just crazy diddly me or am I yet to find the right haircut for my big old face?

So I find myself in a freak-out-being-a-girl moment. I almost went and hacked all the hair off on my lunch break. The person I see in the mirror is definitely some lunatic that I don't know anything about. I have been growing my hair out over the last 9 months. The longer it gets, the more I hate it. It's in the stupid in-between stage of dumbness, and I keep thinking the longer it gets, the more I'll like it. Or will I hate it more and regret it?? I'm not so good at doing the hair and so is it worse to go short?
I am very lucky to be married to a wonderful, playing-in-the-mud-kind-of-boy, that always tells me he loves me and I'm beautiful to him no matter what. But he's a liar too. He will never help me with the hair question.

So I am pleading, begging, on my knees, tears in my eyes, and with GIRL drama, to ask for your input. To chop.... or not to chop.... that is the question!! And-I-promise-not-to-put-so-many-dashes-in-my-future-sentences too!