I've been sitting like an old lady in a rocker lately and reflecting on the things that make me happy in life. There are SO many and I too often forget my blessings.
I realized this week one thing that I will always live for is a VACATION. I love travelling - I love vacations - I love everything about it!! I like staying in all kinds of hotel rooms, from the Hilton to some scary super 8 where I know dead bodies hide. I love meeting the strange people and eating weird food and I love the long airpline rides or car trips. Jake and I have been so blessed in the three years we've been together to have some unforgettable vacations.
One of the most fun ones was pretty close to home when about 9 months ago we decided to just get away. We drove up past Boise and stayed at this little Victorian hotel and went water-rafting and hiking. Check me out in my hot wet suit. Rarrrr. Yeah, I don't know that all albinos went out in the sun like me :)
This is in front of the hotel. This weird fish was sitting in the middle of the road. I think this made us laugh for several hours. The thing about Jake and I is that it doesn't take a lot to get entertained..
I know it looks like I'm pooping but I think I was just .... squatting?? (What's WRONG with me?)
Also this year we were fortunate enough to be asked to 'chaperone' Dad's choir trip to Southern California. I think Dad thought I would use my Probation officer skills to do some beating. No, it was a vacation and we weren't much of what you'd consider 'chaperones.' Jake got the kids cited in riots and even had a sugar-packet eating contest. I also tried to pimp out my little sister Carrie and embarrass her as often as I could. It was an awesome trip. We went through Vegas, Sea World, San Diego, and even stayed in the Embassy Suites. I hope he'll ask us to 'chaperone' again but the riots might have been a bad idea...
Me with Carrie. so cute!!! And date-able. She's 16!!
And of course I've already posted this but my favorite vacation of them all this year has been to Switzerland. It was so neat to spend a week in one of the most beautiful places I've ever been. I just want to say I'm grateful for America - for the food, the toilets, the non-spitting language.
We have a few more vacations planned for this year that I can't wait for. In March Jake and I will be heading to New York City for a week. We are going with USU with an art history class. I decided after spending three weeks alone last summer, I'm not letting Jake take any more trips without me :) We also are hoping to join Jake's family on a church history tour this summer and then take an Oregon Coast trip of our own in the fall.
I live for this!! And if anybody else out there likes a vacation, I urge you to consider Franklin Idaho and come see us. We have some of the biggest potatoes. And trees. There's some dirt too. :)
um hello, how dare you go on all these vacations without us! RUDE!
I know I need a good vaca!
...Your pics are so fun! Lucky you, you get to go on exciting adventures!! I'm jealous!!
Crazy connection. Long story short: I am a friend of Diana's from french class back in the day. I just got married to a great guy about 5 months ago who has 4 teenagers one of which you worked with in the system (Konnor). We met at a court deal a few weeks ago. Its good to finally put a face with the name. Bizzar! Anyway, just thought I would say hi again. Crazy huh?
Evelyn, I hope you don't mind me reading your blog, I found it on David Rupp's blog. I am searching out our class member of 1998 for our 10 year reunion when I couldn't stop myelf from reading. You are so cute. I am so jealous of all the vacations you have had. Sounds fun. I loved the high school choir tour-even if I did pass out. Everyone in choir wil never forget my entrance :) anyway just wanted to say hi and see if it's okay if I put you as a friend on my blog page. angie(curtis)tolman nateandangietolman.blogspot.com
Yo yo EV. Look at what a traveler you are! How awesome. One of your trips you have planned sparked my interest...
When you come out to the Oregon Coast, let me know! We live west of Portland & would love to give you a free meal or whatever. :)
Ev, I hope you are ok! I keep hoping to see a new post, and I miss you! Know I'm thinking about you!
Ev... I am here too apologize for not commenting earlier. SORRY! Looks like you had tuns of fun. Hoe have you been feeling?
Hey Eve,
Its me Shaylee remember your roomate you had for the shortest time ever. Its good to See you are doing well. Just thought i would say hello.
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