Have you ever just looked at some things and wondered WHY somebody ever thought of those things? Like doilies. What is the purpose? They scare me. They remind me of funeral homes. Why does anybody need a doily? If you want to set something on a glass table, use a coaster. And those finger-less gloves. Isn't the purpose of the gloves to keep your fingers warm?
I found some things that evoked that same reaction. We found this fish, full of balls, in our hotel room. Why? WHY would you want this fish full of balls? I understand you want to keep all your shiny balls together, but why in a fish? And the best of all things creepy, I found this creepy grandma fairy. She was in a Christmas store, staring at me with her evil eyes behind those evil spectacles. I think she might represent Satan, really. Why would ANYONE ever need a creepy grandma fairy.... with a fan? If she's so HOT, then maybe she should take that thing off her neck.
I know I'm not always the brightest person, but I don't get it.
You make me laugh. And yes, those are very scary! Who thinks up those things?
I think the freaky old lady is to prevent people from shop lifting for fear of her coming for them in the night....just a theory. :)
This is simply hilarious! Although I agree with the doilies I am a fan of fingered gloves.. kind of like a vest for my hand!
Fingerless gloves scare me too. I have nightmares about them. People whose fingertips don't get cold, but their hands do, are not human.
I am so not a fan of Doilies either. My husbands aunt gave us a huge one for our wedding. Seriously, what is a person suppose to do with a huge doilie??? Luckily it mysteriously made its way to the DI bag.
I wet myself a little when I read this it was so funny. I don't think I'll ever be the same after seeing the old lady doll....
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