So I don't get it. I fought going into early labor and contractions for two months straight. Now that I want baby awesome to BE here, he sticks his fanny all up in my ribs and is refusing to come out. No contractions - NOTHING.
I'm not due until next week but I already know he is at least 15 pounds and might have a full beard. I am ready. He needs to decide to be ready. Seriously.
The doctor had encouraging news - I am 80% effaced but still only dialated at about a 2. (Better than zero, right?) He stripped my membranes yesterday (AAARRRRRRRRRR) and I thought last night would be the night. But no. Ninja Norris has set up camp.
So I will post pictures of my half completed nursery. We are a bunch of rebel-rousers and wanted any excuse to use skulls instead of teddy bears so we went after pirates. None of the bedding or finishing touches are done yet, but this is what we have so far:
I love the pirates theme - and the crib is gorgeous! I'm glad he's healthy and you're complaining about him taking too long to come out instead of the opposite!
You have to be the best most descriptive writer I have ever had the chance of knowing in the blogging world! Can't believe you have a week left!!!! What a stinker, he does need to come out and play! Love the Pirate room by the way so cute! And that little Pirate is so my favorite! Hope all goes well for a safe and not so painful delivery ( I am crossing my fingers for you) Can't wait to see his cute little face!
You are too funny! Your little guy is just content in there. I know...I've tried all the tricks too - fresh pineapple, long walks(8 miles one day), raspberry leaf tea, bouncing on a yoga ball, etc. I think they are just ready when they are just ready! Hope you have a great delivery - one word of advice, EPIDURAL!!!
I crack up when I read your blogs! You are so funny :) I love your nursery and am so happy for you and Jake!! You could try the castrol oil thing....not the castrol oil that goes in your car but the one that is sold at health food stores, you take a drop or two in your water. I think?? You better check the instructions before you take it:) We are so excited for you and can't wait to meet ( thru the internet ) Baby Heaton!!!
Good luck with the delivery. The pirate room is too cool; perfect for a boy, matee. Arrgh, I hope he gets here soon! Can't wait to see pictures of your first mate.
Tegan didn't want to head towards the light either, so they decided to cut a hole in me instead. What fun!
Love the pirate theme, love the bed!
I"m glad he's stayed in so long! Just be patient, because if he comes when he's ready, it won't be as bad! It'll happen soon!!! Hang in there...and I can't wait to see the pictures!
I love the nursery...very cute! I mean..very scary...ARGG.
Aw, I miss the pink walls. You betta call me as soon as he arrives... and after you've had a nap.
No worries he will come... my opinion is that the longer a baby cooks, the stronger and more ready to face the world they'll be. I wish Isaac had cooked a little longer. I've heard that having some fun with your husband can help bring contractions on. My mother-in-law did the Castor oil thing. She was miserable. It can make your bowels easier to empty.
hahaha you really crack me up with your funny blogs! pirate room,huh? how original, and unconventional, and really, very fun! and, don't skip the epidural! soooooo worth it!! i got a little feel for what natural birth is like with my boy,NOT FUN! can't wait to meet him, when you are ready to blog about him, that is!;-)
I love the pirate theme! How fun =) I love your crib! Where did you get it? I am sorry you are so miserable, but I am also very happy to hear that you made it full term! You're going to be a great mommy, I can't wait to meet the lil guy =)
I can't wait to see that little guy..he's going to be adorable. Good luck with the delivery & let me know if there is anything I can do for you.
Seriously love his room, paint colors, bedding ensemble, accessories, the whole 9 yards. I guess now I have to add interior decorator to the many talents of Evelyn.
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