Whew, long time no see... I'm sure all the Chinese people leaving comments on my blog have missed me.... (time to go private????) Like everybody else... we've been a little busy. Mostly busy being in love with the above posted handsome he-devil ninja. What a jolly, drooly, happy, genius boy. I love my life.
We also... moved. Yeah. It was pretty sudden. We have moved 6 times in our 5 years of marriage, own 2 of the homes... and now live in a condo. Not everything is as planned but it works. I will do whatever it takes to try and stay home with my baby. If we could just get someone to buy one of our houses then I wouldn't have to listen to the upstairs neighbor vacuum, seriously, twice a day. ( I'm a failure if that is how much you are supposed to vacuum. Or maybe she just leaves a lot of crumbs, or is into vacuum yoga...do any of YOU vacuum twice a day?? Seriously??).
We moved from good ole Pleasant Grove, BYU-driven, non-caffeine drinking, mom-haircut, land to Saratoga Springs, about 15 minutes further out. Our lease was up and we just needed a little more space, and we found a brand new, nicer, big placer that was less than what we were paying. We also needed to feel a little less Utah County-ish. Like I've said before, we decorated Carter's nursery in skulls ... we do not fit the mold. No offense intended. Here's to hoping Saratoga won't shun us for having mohawks, facial hair (my dang 5 o'clock shadow), or for our motorcycle.
Also in the meantime, I have lost my little baby. Cry. He is a little man. He eats solid foods, loves carrots, sits UP, and now thinks he can learn to crawl. He giggles, does the bobble-head, makes monkey faces, blows spit, and just generally makes life worth living. He turns 6 months next week. Yeah. It's a good life.

When do I get to come see the new place? Oh Carter is so C.U.T.E. I want to squish him!!!
No, I don't vacuum twice a day...although with the things my kids track around I should be doing it all day long.
I hope that your facial hair is well accepted in your new place. :) I'm OOBER excited that you're living here now. Why haven't you come to visit yet? Hmmm. I'm going to the grocery store soon, maybe I'll see ya there...ha, how fun is it that we live so close! Anyway...welcome to the hood.
Yu Stin Ki Pu. Just teasin! I wanted to feel part of the "in chinese" crowd. Your lil man is adorable. Good luck with the neighbors!
Oh - yes we vacuum several times a day.. if Bracken has any say about it!
YAY for leaving Utah County!! I vowed I would never live there a LONG time ago... :)
I adore you! Carter is adorable and I really want to meet him. I'm glad you're doing okay... and truly, normal people do NOT vacuum that much... that's OCD, dood...
I know someone who has six kids and vaccuums twice a day, I think that's a necessity when you have six kids!
How is your little guy already six months old?!? He just gets cuter every time you post pictures - which should be more often!
You crack me up Evelyn!! I remember feeling the same way when we lived in Utah county! I didn't have any kids and wasn't pregnant so I didn't feel like I was allowed to shop in the macey's. The women in there had a cart full of kids (as many kids as they had been married) and were usually pregnant with another one:) I also liked USU and believed USU had the true blue first! I also didn't bear my testimony and talk about the byu athletic teams and games!
I guess I am a major slacker since I don't vacuum that much!
What a cutie your little boy is!
I am so glad that you are my neighbor now! We need to go for walks and push our little babies around the neighborhood!
I am another annoyed person when it comes to vacuuming, because it is twice a day too...I am lucky if I vacuume once a week!
I love Carter! I agree he is just a cutie...I am jealous that you get to stay home and be with him all day...I miss Emma!
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