Around 7:00 Friday night Jake and I met our friends Rob & Ashley for dinner. They were on their way to St. George because they had tickets to the sold-out show of the best comedian ever, Brian Regan (get some leaves!!!!).
Then we had a brilliant idea.... we should go TOO. It didn't matter that the show had been sold out for months.... we were going to be like ROCK STARS, living on a WING AND A PRAYER. That's right. We were going to try and be... spontaneous!! Duh, duh, duh (that is the evil music).
We had a blast. We ended up packed and on the road by 9:00 p.m. and rolled into St. George around 1 a.m. I even stayed awake. Rock star. We spent Saturday hiking through Red Rock which was awesome. Saturday night we still didn't have tickets but went anyway, praying somebody would scalp them. Five minutes before the show started, I think my quivery lip worked, because a guy approached Jake and sold us TWO THIRD ROW TICKETS. Yeah. It was awesome and if you don't already know Brian Regan, make him your friend. He will change your life.

We spent the next day waddling through Zion's and Bryce Canyon. It was so nice to be out in the sun (I may have caused a few traffic accidents with the glow off my skin).
Here are Rob & Ashley in his pimp car. He can do THIS, but I can ride a bike with no handlebars.
Worst part of the trip, though, was when we went out for breakfast. I was STARVING. I ordered a double order of crepes. The waitress looked disgustedly at my big swollen 'pot belly' and said, "You sure you don't want a half order? That's one whole crepe." And I said, "DOUBLE order. With HASH BROWNS. And four tons of BUTTER." Rude.
It was a wonderful impromptu weekend. I think the baby liked it too because I think I felt it move for the first time... or it was gas... from the crepes. Either way, fun.
And if you haven't heard already, my little sister Becca has the best news ever!!!!!!!!! YAY!!!! Preggers!!!
Oh My Gosh! Becca is pregnant too? Holy crap!! I'm jealous you went to Brian Regan. I love him!
Look at you living it up!
You should have ordered sausage too. Way to be a rock star!
All those crepes without a boxen of donuts? What Rock Star were you livin it up like? Poison?
Oh yeah butter and crepes! (you wanna learn how to make them?) Stupid waitress, even if you were a size smaller than pregnant she should just zip her lip and enjoy her tip caused by a percentage of your double crepes. Oh my... I need nutella and crepes now.
I miss being spontaneous! Good for you! Get it all in before the little one arrives! I'm glad things are going well in Orem. Is Jake liking work??
When I was pregnant my sister and I went to eat and ordered an appetizer and the waiter came back and said, ' guys really pounded that.' seriously..stupid server..don't they know their tip is bigger the more food we order??
How fun that you and your sister get to have babies together!
HEY! You are cute. AND your husband said that you're going to be at BSU me after the graduation because I'll be there. 307-258-9794. Yay! You need to see cute baby Benjamin in person!
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