When the alarm goes off in the morning, I fight the urge to murder. It's a thing I hate. But with so much negativity around me, I thought I would take time today to write on a few more of my loves.
I love sleeping in, for one. It was a three-day weekend full of beautiful, beautiful things. And I love that.
I love my friends. I don't get to see them nearly as much as I want to but I love each one of them. I'm so grateful for all of you and for the changes you have made in my life. I can't believe that you put up with me!! I love the chance to blog and catch up with so many. I love that I get to be myself and not everyone will run away screaming.
A few months ago I went up to Kisty's cabin with a bunch of us and never posted. Poo on me!! But that's still a thing I love!!
And totally more sappy, I love my family. I love my way too insane but beautiful sisters. Becca, you're a favorite too. But I don't know about your neck. We try to keep her big neck a secret but it's pretty hard because she runs out of scarves. :) And yes, I love Carrie even though she is going into hooker-ing. Or maybe cross-dresser-ing. (OK, it was a colorguard competition last month but I did see plenty of spandex so it made me wonder....)
Right now, I love that Jake is graduated. I love that when I come home, HE'S HOME TOO. I love the excitement that this new job search is bringing and the endless possibilities in front of us. Yes, I'm scared to death and peeing in my pants a little, but I love it. (not the peeing part though). The rumor is out - there's a good possibility we will have to leave this beautiful home we love and our wonderful friends and neighbors here, but it makes room for new experiences and friends and fun and.... . ok, that's too sappy, even for me. I also love to torture people in many fun ways. I love to win wars with Jake in licking each other's faces. And he will admit, he cries himself to sleep at night because he's so gooey and wimpy that he can't fight back.
I have so many loves and blessings in my life that I am overwhelmed. I was recently talking to a friend that gave me inspiration - to write at the end of each day the hand of the Lord in my life. It has started to go beyond squishy things, forts, and blankees for me. I'm in love with life and though it can really stink at times and has felt pretty dang hard recently, there is too much to love to stay focused on that!!!!!
Monday, May 26, 2008
I hate alarm clocks
Posted by Evelyn at 8:53 PM 5 comments
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
He's a BIG boy now!!!
I need to post and say how proud I am of my Jakey. He graduated with his BFA in Graphic Design from Utah State on May 4th (maybe more pictures later). It only took him a short 8 years (with a mission in between) and he made it.
In my life, I used to think I found a few true loves - pudding, forts, squishy things... until I met Jake. He put pudding to shame. I can honestly say he is my one and only true love!! I don't think there would ever be anyone quite so insane yet so perfect. I love this man.
I love him for his dimples, his patience, his ability to make the best out of the worst situations, the way he will clean up my bean-burrito puke without puking himself and even hold my hair back. I love him for his strong testimony and his ability to set the perfect example for me in the hardest of situations. I love him for his hyena laugh, his muscular dancing legs, and his bad-a Harley jacket, (even though he rides a Yamaha). I love the fact that we fell in love and he first kissed me when I was in a wheelchair --- (he knew I couldn't fight back). I love him for his ability for everyone around him to love him too, and to have 3 year old neighbor kids who think he's their best friend.
I truly feel that I am the luckiest woman in this WHOLE world. Sappy but oh so true. I truly am so grateful for Jake and the fact that I can be with him for forever. A lot has happened in this last month that has deepened my understanding of what this means and how truly blessed I am. I hope everyone can pull their loved ones aside and let them know what they mean too.
Posted by Evelyn at 12:33 PM 8 comments
Labels: smooch
Monday, May 5, 2008
I heart New York!!!
I swear, most days I feel like Jake needs to check me into a nursing home. Despite all numbers, I am senile.
I think the computer is upset and lonely .... I have been trying to upload photos for the BIG NYC trip and it is sure being fussy. Fussy old computer. So I am ending up uploading them one at a time and have lost all patience. So here are a few highlights!!
Like I mentioned before, we went with Jake's art history class from USU. It was the only way to ever afford a cheap enough trip to NYC. And despite the odds of all cheapness, we felt OH SO CLASSY the entire time!!
It was awesome. Jake's professor was a pretty cool guy and spent the entire time wasted (started at 11 a.m. on the plane, folks) so we pretty much got to do our own thing.
The night we flew in a group of us went to the Empire State building. Coming out, a guy in our group flagged down a limo driver and talked him into taking all 10 of us all around town at night for like ten bucks.
This is our CLASSY limo picture. I have never ridden in a limo!! It had pimp lights. By the way, notice by beautiful, glowing orange hands. Needless to say I will not be re-visiting self tanner anytime in the near future.
We checked into our hotel which was beyond ghetto. We had a teensy little bathroom to share between eight rooms. The rest of the trip was like none other I've ever had to New York. (My mommy is from New Jersey so I've had a few trips in my life). We did hit the touristy stuff like Times Square, Staten Island, WTC, etc. but a lot of it was the true New Yo-ok (*that's how you have to say it to be classy like me) experience. Our hotel was in Greenwich village and so we lived the true villager life. Look at me contemplating on the deeper meanings of hot chocolate here.
One of the favorite things for me was getting to see two Broadway shows. We went to Hairspray one night and then Monty Python's Spamalot the next. I will forever, forever cherish the in-explicable experience of getting to see Clay Aiken in tights.
A good rest of the portion of the trip was spent in Museums. The Met was so awesome. We also took the Subway to the top of the island and went toa place called the Cloisters which is one of the coolest things ever!!
Posted by Evelyn at 5:49 PM 8 comments
Labels: classy classy