Tuesday, January 29, 2008
President Hinckley
Posted by Evelyn at 3:38 PM 2 comments
Labels: Pres. Hinckley
Sunday, January 27, 2008
Yep, tagged again!
As a pre-note, I am always so impressed by people's taggings. I totally stalk blogs and love tags to get to know people you THINK you know. It's been good to know all about people's feet and eating habits.... It's been awhile since I've responded to a tag. Di, I liked this one!! But you win in the funniness.
ABC's of you. Each player then tags 6 people and posts their names, then goes to their blogs and leaves them a comment, letting them know that they have been tagged and asking them to read your blog.
A- Attached or single: Attached. Almost siamese. I cannot sleep unless I have so much as a foot touching him.
B- Best Friend: As cheesy and corny as it is, it's my husband Jake. There has never been a person so as insane as me that understands me and my drooling so well.
C-Cake or Pie: If we're throwing them in someone's face, I'd say both. I won't eat either. As you can see from previous posts, cake and I have a troubled history. I would prefer not to talk about it.
D-Day of Choice: I wanted to say 'No Pants Friday' but that's already been taken. I will go with Tuesday. At 7.
E- Essential Item: My slippers. I cannot be at home and not having something fuzzy on my feet. What can I say? I like fuzzy!
F- Favorite Color: Green.... not the color of boogers or mold but sagey, pretty green.
G- Gummi Bears or Worms: Gotta go with worms. I like squishy things along with fuzzy things.
H- Hometown: Tremonton Utah!!!
I- Indulgence(s): A good snuggle, popsicles, chocolate covered cinnamon bears, playing Killer Bunnies, and being a rap-star.
J- January or July: I still choose Tuesday. At 7. I don't like either of these months. I like spring and fall!
K-Kids: I spend all my time taking care of my little 26 year old Jake.
L-Life is incomplete without: Game and date nights with my Jake, Grey's Anatomy, calls to my friends to see if THEY'VE seen Grey's Anatomy, a good book with a fuzzy blanket, and sugar.
M- Marriage Date: December 1, 2004.
N- Number of Siblings: 6 beautiful, although clinically mentally ill sisters :) And seven in-laws.
O- Oranges or Apples: Totally, hands down in any contest, the big bad orange. They can squirt things - the apple just sits there.
P- Phobias or Fears: Heights, Jake dying, forgetting to wear pants in public.
Q- Quote(s): "I like waking up to the smell of bacon.... sue me" - Michael Scott
R- Reason To Smile: Jake and his dimples, puppies, my young women class.
S- Season: Fall... fat, fat fall.
T- Tag Three: Becca, Em, Camille
U- Unknown Fact About Me: Before I served in 'Nam...... oh, wait. Really, I once licked an octopus. Really.
V- Vegetarian or Oppressor of Animal: Dumbest question ever. Can I have some more ribs?
W- Worst Habit: Jake has started growing gray eyebrows and I will attack him to cut them out. He thinks this is abnormal. Everyone does this, I know.
X- X-Rays or Ultrasounds: I have a totally funny story. In December they did an ultrasound of my kidneys.... That day at lunch we had potatoes and turkey.... my belly was so full of gas they couldn't see the kidneys. I always thought gas was invisible. So I choose x-rays.
Y- Your Favorite Food: Pudding, halibut, and anything that makes my hips wider.
Yes, there's no Z. I make one up too, Di.
Zig-zag or zits: Close race, I'd go with zig zags.
Posted by Evelyn at 1:43 PM 3 comments
Labels: abc me
Thursday, January 24, 2008
Life in a Bathrobe
Here are pictures of my new tiled kitchen that I love. Why am I posting these pictures now?? Because I'm in my fuzzy purple bathrobe. I never pegged myself as a bathrobe kind of girl... I used to think they were for hairy-legged, hairy-chinned, hair-netted old ladies. But not anymore. I love my bathrobe!! And I better get used to it because I am on a two week leave from work to heal from some complications I've had. So I am trying to use this time to admire my new tile and to think of my life. I have realized, as I sit here with anxiety about what is happening at the court without me, that I put too much into work and need to put more into me. Work is not what matters - I need to get back to life!! So I'm trying to enjoy my bathrobe days the best I can. And since I can't post pictures of myself, I'll post them of my kitchen. We tore out and built this kitchen from the ground up and I am pretty dang proud!!
This is the view from the office. Jake tiled the kitchen first and he let Rob & Brandon help. Somehow, they probably just got into mud-fights and belly scratching contests, because when it was done it looked like a 3 year old had tiled. We had to unfortunately tear it out and we hired Jake's friend Jason to come in. He did an amazing job. I love my floor, I could kiss it!
So there you have it - pictures I promised over two months ago. I guess bathrobe girls don't have too much else to take pictures of!! :)
Posted by Evelyn at 10:57 AM 7 comments
Labels: dork
Friday, January 18, 2008
Bad stinking day
I have had a pooper scooper of a day. Seriously. And it has left me un-believably worked up and upset right before a what-should-be-good three day weekend.
Does anybody have any good tips on how to get rid of smelly, poopy stress???? Or maybe I'm beyond help. HELP!
Posted by Evelyn at 5:04 PM 5 comments
Labels: aAARRGH
Thursday, January 17, 2008
Revenge - Eat THAT, you stupid cake!!
I hope the past cake catastrophe is cleansed from everyone's mind. On December 30th, Jake had his 26th birthday... (yeah, geezer). I decided to plot my revenge of the last killer cake. Yes, this time I re-attacked the double layer, yellow cake, chocolate frosting. And I WON!! And get this = HOMEMADE FRIGGIN FROSTING!! I guess there's hope for me after all.
And yes, Jake still thinks he's five.
Posted by Evelyn at 6:37 PM 7 comments
Labels: nummers
Sunday, January 13, 2008
Glow in the Dark!!
I am officially radioactive. Yeah, I'm freaky. And I totally hate it!!
I am literally sitting here at midnight, in my special bathrobe, with my special leopard slippers, with rubber gloves so I don't contaminate the computer. I have sat on special sheets on the couch since Friday and I tell you, I'm especially more than a little bit bored!! I guess being radioactive has some perks - when Jake pisses me off, I chase him with my freaky radioactive neck. :)
Really, it has been a long week. I got my first radioactive Iodine treatment Friday. Before that I was in the hospital for about a weeks worth of tests. I set a hospital record (I seriously feel it is such a great accomplishment!) for the most over-active thyroid they have seen. Yeah, I'm freaky.
Friday was the big, freaky day. They made me go into the middle of a sterile room with all those yellow scary signs that you see on monster cartoons. The radiation was in the form of liquid iodine that I had to drink out of a straw through a big lead cup. It is so funny because they were so worried about touching it, and I had to pay like a thousand dollars for a special transport vehicle to bring the stuff to the hospital, but yet they make me put it in my mouth.... Something's wrong with that!!
I have felt a bad sore throat and like I have the flu but it's totally not bad and I think I've seen worse....
So no glow-in-the-dark pictures today. Although, I did have a re-match with cake-baking and some pictures are soon to come!!!! Freaky.
Posted by Evelyn at 11:17 PM 6 comments
Labels: the incredible et hulk
Saturday, January 5, 2008
Put some leaves on it!
Wow! I know it's been forever since I've blogged. I cannot hardly believe we are already in 2008. This last year has flown by so fast....seriously, I guess that's a part of getting old. It all starts to go too fast! This last year has been one of many first, blessings, and trials. In a way I am excited to be able to start new in 2008.
An update on a few things.....
December 1st Jake and I celebrated our third anniversary. Even after three years, this guy gives me butterflies when I look at him and we're still in love.... I can't believe he hasn't gotten sick of me yet. Jake was wonderful for our anniversary and surprised me the week before. I have never ever been to a concert in my life and I have always wanted to go. He made me take the day off work and surprised me... drove me down to Provo to see Evanescence, one of my favorite bands. We were in the standing crowd about five or six feet from the front of the stage. What was awesome is with one of the opening bands (Julien K, formerly Orgy) I caught a drumstrick the drummer threw into the crowd. I totally didn't know what to wear so I tried to be as goth and scary as a white girl could get...Then Jake booked us a suite at the Armstrong Mansion in Salt Lake for the night. I know... he doesn't come off as a romantic but he totally is my teddy bear!! It was beautiful and so much fun.
December was a wonderful month. I love this time of year, as I'm sure most everybody does. Life has been so hectic and stressful that I really made an effort to focus on the important things in life... I get so wrapped up in my job and my house and the selfish things... this year I really tried to make Christmas mean more. To focus on what the Savior has done for me, and for my family, and for my calling, and for the best husband that I have forever! For the most part it worked. We were blessed to be able to spend time with both sides of the family. And we win the prize for having the craziest families, I promise!! We were able to go down to Temple Square with the Heatons and Larsens, which I haven't done for several years. So beautiful!!
It has also been a time of a little trial. Life has been a little struggle ever since my accident four years ago but I've tried so hard to move past it, but my body doesn't seem to want to do the same. For years it seems every part of me on the inside has been slowly falling apart. A few months ago I was diagnosed with some new things, hypderthyroidism and possibly problematic kidneys, which I thought explained many of the hospitalizations and symptoms of things that I've had over the past two years. It didn't sound like that big of a deal at all. It has ended up becoming pretty serious - my heart was starting to have irregular rhythyms and I wasn't responding to the medications for the thyroid. I was given the choice of surgery or radiation. I elected for radiation... I mean, I think it will be pretty cool to be radioactive for a few days so I can have superpowers (I might turn into the HULK). It comes with certain prices - we won't be able to start a family for another year.... But after much prayer and debating I know that this probably is a blessing to go through this - it's another thing that is going to teach me patience, which I'm in so much need of. I get my first treatment next week.... I am just excited because I think after this is taken care of I can finally start to be healthy again. And skinny!!
So I am excited for this new year - I have so many resolutions and goals and plans for more happiness.... I just hope it lasts!!! :)
Posted by Evelyn at 9:11 AM 9 comments
Labels: badunkadunk