This weekend was FABULOUS. My dear sweet sister, who still seems like she's six to me, got married to the love of her lifetime, Jake Coleman (AKA, Jake #2 or the evil Jake). We had such a good time having the whole entire family together. It was a beautiful wedding and a gorgeous day. I am having problems uploading all the pictures I want to, but these are pretty good.Here are the rest of us sisters waiting for Erica to come out of the Logan Temple after the ceremony. This is the FOURTH wedding, I can hardly believe it! I just hope it's a long time before the next one. Carrie - you're only sixteen!!
Instead of a reception, Erica had a wedding dinner at the Bluebird. I loved it!! It was so simple and so much fun. Did I mention a BUFFET??!! Here we are, starving, in our cute bridesmaid outfits.
Here is the happy couple!
Here we are, another happy couple. It's hard for me to take in all of this, especially that it was just about three years ago that Jake and I went through this. It was a good reminder of just how special these weddings are!!!
Sunday, October 28, 2007
Once Upon a Time
Posted by Evelyn at 5:23 PM 4 comments
Sunday, October 21, 2007
Petersen Parties!
Yay Yay Sista Jay! This weekend was wonderful. On Friday, Jaylene came home from the Phillipines for Erica's wedding next week. She moved over there in May with her husband, who started up a Western Watts call center. We have all missed her very much. Becca and I went down to pick her up in Salt Lake. And as smart as we always are, we waited an hour in the wrong terminal. We had to sit next to two high school girls who were kissing and putting their hands where I just didn't want to see them.. The first thing Jaylene wanted to do was eat Mexican, so we all went out to lunch. She kept freaking out, seeing things like sidewalks and drinking fountains, and it made me realize how much I always take for granted!
Later that night, we all went to Becca's. I think I came from the mailman, after seeing her make this beautiful cake. Then my wonderful, good old friend Julie *Curtis* Lewis came over and gave me a much, much needed haircut. I have hated my haircuts since I was married and have been struggling with what to do. I cut it pretty short, but so far I really love it. Thank you genius Julie!
On Saturday, Erica went through the Logan Temple for her first time. I can't believe she is getting married next week. She is marrying a wonderful guy and we are really happy for her. It really took us awhile to get over it.... she's young and we're all protective older sisters, but we all know this was meant to be. Here are some pictures from dinner at Firehouse afterwards...Erica and her Jake #2. At leastI have the original.
Me and my man. Can you see the haircut??
Here we are, the four old ones. I love my Petersen family and am so grateful and proud of all of them!!!
Posted by Evelyn at 3:10 PM 7 comments
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
I've been tagged by a few people, so I figure I better do at least one. I didn't attach a picure this time, though.... the last one was scary enough.
Favorite Clothes:
THEN - Oh, I loved clothes... I would die for anything Guess, Girbaud, or Hammer pants. I liked the tight, tight, TIGHT stretch pants that were tye-died. And I remember asking for a glittered speckle shirt with a matching belt for one of my birthdays. Let's not forget the BANGS - biggest friggin bangs in the school! We measured.
NOW - What I like to wear and what I actually wear are quite different. Because of my job, I find myself in dress pants and button up shirts or sweaters every day. When I'm not working, I just go with what's around.... I love my Big Stars, hoodies, and slippers.
Favorite TV Shows:
THEN - Oh, I miss these shows - Saved by the Bell, Punky Brewster, Charles in Charge, Boy Meets World, Where in the World is Carmen Sandiego, to mention a few. My mom only let us watch like 1/2 hour every day... I dedicated it to Saved By the Bell. Yes, everyone is jealous, because Zack is my boyfriend!
NOW - I'm completely addicted to Grey's Anatomy, and I never hear the end of it from Jake. I even dream about it :) I also like The Office, American Idol, Trading Spaces, and So You Think You Can Dance
Favorite Music:
THEN - Oh, my first tape ever was MC Hammer. Hamma time, da da da da da da!! I even made up dances. (My poor, poor mother never knew where I came from). I also liked the early alternative bands (Green Day, Weezer) that made me think I was cool.
NOW - My tastes haven't evolved TOO much. I still like Green Day, Incubus, Linkin Park, Snow Patrol, and even go as soft as Norah Jones. But I gotta be a LITTLE punk to keep up with Jake.
Favorite Food:
THEN - Oh, I was always a pig so it's hard to narrow it down. I was so fat I think my parents put me on a leash. I have always loved fruit from our gardens, and root beer. I drank so much root beer that now I HATE it. Same think with ham and sausage. Blech!
NOW - I LOVE fish, especially halibut. I love cheesecake, fresh pineapple, popsicles, and PUDDING. I even paint my face in it!
THEN - I think most girls were afraid of the same thing I was - boys. :) I was also really afraid of being kidnapped, heights, and of ghosts. I still am. When I was dating Jake, we stayed at his parent's restored house..... I couldn't sleep the whole night because I knew the house was haunted.
NOW - Did I mention, ghosts?! I think a big fear is not having kids (seriously, I'm getting old) or not feeling like I succeed, but most of all is to lose my Jake.
Woop, there it is yo! Now I tag Julie and Di, and I want Jake to do it because his blog is so manly and boring....
Posted by Evelyn at 2:01 PM 3 comments
Monday, October 8, 2007
Halloween Came Early
So I woke up this morning, thinking it was going to be a perfect day. It is Columbus Day, and so I get the day off... one of the few perks for working for the State. When I looked in the bathroom mirror, I screamed. I think Jake beat me in my sleep.... my eye was bright red everywhere. It has gotten better as the day went on... so I hope I don't go blind! (I know, I need to wax the eyebrows...gross)
Posted by Evelyn at 6:03 PM 2 comments
Labels: bleeding eye
Sunday, October 7, 2007
I'm only here for the food!
You should all know that my mouth is one of the biggest on this earth. Part of that is that I love to eat... everything! One of these days the be-dunk-a-dunk will catch up with me, but what is life without food? It just seems odd with my inability to cook!
Every time I have an opportunity to get with friends, dinner is the thing we do. I LOVE going out to dinner. Maybe it's because we never went out growing up,... Last week I got together with Kisty, Kristen, and Carrie. I love these girls and I miss them!! It was so good to go back and think about what we did when we lived together and the craziness (tents, balloons, albino neighbors) that we had. I have honestly not been as happy as I am now, but there are things I do miss about still being in college and the fun I had. I have had so much fun with every new set of roommates and wouldn't trade the experiences for the world. I wish I did better at keeping in touch ... I love all of you!Then the next day after that dinner, we got to have a conference down in Ogden for work. I stayed with Kristen the night before, then went over to the Marriott. I guess one of the only perks of the job is having these conferences, which can be pretty entertaining.... especially the sleep-overs in the hotels. The girls I work with and I went to Applebee's (same place as the night bef0re) and stayed up way past my bedtime!
Yeah, I'm in serious need of maturing... don't know if that will ever happen!!
Posted by Evelyn at 6:49 PM 4 comments
Labels: nummers