So, since I'm half of 50 now, I've been on this kick of trying to improve myself and learn new things. I've just been feeling so stuck in life lately that I want to do new things. First, I'm almost positive that I will be applying for the MSS program (Master's of Social Science)... if no baby comes. ( I know Jake is cringing if he reads this). Next, I want to learn German. Why German? Because they get to hock and spit a lot when they talk, and I LIKE it. And one new thing is also cooking. I've been blessed to have such a wonderful husband who does a lot of the cooking, and I've been spoiled. So far, in the almost three years we've been married, I have only cooked a total of like 10 different dishes. I usually don't even get home until after 7 so it makes it hard to want to make something complicated.So I made a goal to cook one new thing a week.
Last week, it was cake. I HATE cake, I've always hated it. Jake's favorite thing in the WORLD happens to be yellow cake with chocolate frosting (I just don't get it). It's so funny - on his birthday in the past, I've made him bake his OWN cake because I hate it so much. But I decided to try and be domestic and an actual wife, so this was my attempt. I even was adventurous and tried to make it TWO layers. I am blaming it on cold frosting. I know the good cooks of you out there are cringing (yes Di, I didn't learn).... The funny thing is that Jake ending up eating this mess.
Saturday, September 29, 2007
Attack of the Killer Cake
Posted by Evelyn at 5:54 PM 7 comments
Labels: Poo Frosting
Sunday, September 23, 2007
Weekend Fun
Lately the work-week has been so stressful we've been living for the weekends. It's nice to be able to sleep in and actually see each other than more in just passing, now that Jake's back in school (last year, people!). Jake and I pretty much go pretty mental and crazy when the weekend hits. I swear, we got more immature the longer we're together.
Here are some pics from this week...Melissa and Jeff came up with their cutest Macie. We had a barbeque and I tried to not cause TOO much permanent damage to cute Macie. I think I scared her more than she's ever been. I have this weird thing where I have to growl at babies... Isn't she cute??
Then, later on this week, Jake's good friend Jordan left to go live in the Netherlands for a month. Netherlands? Yeah, he tells us they speak some weird language called Flemmish. Sounds like what happens with a cold, or when Jake wants to gross me out! Anyways, we went to dinner with Jordan and Jake's BFF Rob. I'm proud to say that I ate more than ALL the men.
Posted by Evelyn at 3:46 PM 3 comments
Labels: what huh?
Thursday, September 13, 2007

Posted by Evelyn at 10:20 AM 6 comments
Labels: Crazy runs in the family
Friday, September 7, 2007
Wet and Wild
Posted by Evelyn at 8:50 AM 4 comments
Sunday, September 2, 2007
It's a slow Sunday, and I can't believe I'm posting again so soon! I woke up with one of my famous freak headaches..... and have been lying around like a sack all day. Yes, a sack!
I thought I would add some pictures of my recent trip to Switzerland with Jake, since I haven't shown them off yet. Jake's blog has so many more, but these are random ones. It was seriously a dream come true to go, and a week wasn't nearly enough time. Really soon, when we're so rich that we will use the money as toilet paper, I think we will do this stuff SO much more. I loved it all, except the food. They had a lot of pig.... and the cheese tasted like stale, dead, reesty underwear... I was grateful to come home for turkey sandwiches! You will notice that I look like crap the whole time - they lost my luggage and I went without make-up, a blowdryer, and I even wore my husband's deodorant!! It was awesome... and a little smelly.This first picture is the first place we went when I flew into Zurich. It was in a quaint little town, and was the top of a cathedral that was hand-carved and painted.
The third day we went to Zermatt, which is right next to Italy. The Matterhorn is behind me. The day we came, it was POURING rain (try that with no coat and a hoodie), but this next morning, the sun came out so clearly. It was gorgeous.
This is from the Rheinfalls on the Switzerland/Germany border. Seriously, one of the most amazing things I've seen. There's a boat you can ride that will take you in the middle of the falls so you can touch them.
Here are Jake and I at the FLUGHAFEN (airport) in Zurich. Yes, I'm wearing poops.
This picture was taken on the day before we left in Lucerne, which was one of the prettiest cities in all Switzerland.
There you have it. I'm tallying up the country list - 7 so far! By far, Switzerland has been my favorite.
Posted by Evelyn at 2:06 PM 6 comments
Saturday, September 1, 2007
Tuxedo T-shirt
- Jake
Posted by Panelrodder at 9:54 PM 0 comments
So I gave in = finally started a blog, like all these young kids are talking about.... Sure don't know quite what I'm doing in my old age.
So here I am! Finally an Idaho resident, as was always my dream, to be among the potatoes and the lottery tickets. I have my sweet Jake with me and we couldn't be more happy. Again, in our aching old age, we are looking for new things to do and maybe blogging will be where it's AT, yo!! And by the way, I am lonely. Please visit.
Posted by Evelyn at 9:03 PM 2 comments